Readidades – 7


Para empezar A


1.       en la escuela                                                 in school

2.       ¡Hola!                                                          Hi! Hello! (familiar)

3.       ¿Cómo te llamas?                                        What’s your name? (familiar)

4.       Me llamo…                                                  My name is… 

5.       ¿Y tú?                                                          And you? (familiar)

6.       Mucho gusto.                                              Pleased to meet you. (much pleasure)

7.       Encantado (a)                                              Delighted.

8.       Igualmente.                                                  Likewise.

9.       señor (Sr.)                                                   sir (Mr.)

10.     señora (Sra.)                                                          ma’am (Mrs.)

11.     señorita (Srta.)                                             Miss

12.     Buenos días.                                                         Good morning.

13.     Buenas tardes.                                             Good afternoon.

14.     Buenas noches.                                            Good evening.


Para empezar B

1.       ¿Cómo estás?                                              How are you? (familiar)

2.       ¿Qué tal?                                                     How are you? (familiar)

3.       regular                                                         okay, so-so

4.       ¿Qué pasa?                                                  What’s happening? (familiar)

5.       nada                                                            nothing

6.       muy bien                                                      very well

7.       ¡Nos vemos!                                                         See you!

8.       ¿Cómo está Ud.? (usted)                              How are you? (formal)

9.       bien, gracias                                                 fine (well), thank you

10.     ¿Y usted?                                                    And you? (formal)

11.     Adiós.                                                         Good-bye.

12.     Hasta luego.                                                 See you later. (hasta=until)

13.     Hasta mañana.                                              See you tomorrow. (hasta=until


Para empezar C  (los números)

0 – cero               

1 – uno                           11 – once                        21 – veintiuno

2 – dos                           12 – doce                       30 – treinta

3 – tres                           13 – trece                        31 – treinta y uno

4 – cuatro                       14 – catorce                             40 – cuarenta

5 – cinco                        15 – quince                     41 – cuarenta y uno

6 – seis                           16 – dieciséis                  50 – cincuenta

7 – siete                          17 – diecisiete                 51 – cincuenta y uno

8 – ocho                         18 – dieciocho                60 – sesenta

9 – nueve                        19 – diecinueve               70 – setenta

10 – diez                         20 – veinte                      80 – ochenta

                                                                             90 – noventa

                                                                            100 – cien, ciento


Para empezar C  (la hora)

1.       ¿Qué hora es?                                              What time is it?

2.       Es la una.                                                     It is 1 o’clock.

3.       Son las dos y media.                                    It is 2:30.

4.       Son las tres y diez.                                       It is 3:10.

4.       Son las cuatro y cuarto.                                It is 4:15.

5.       Son las seis menos cuarto.                           It is 5:45. (quarter of six)

6.       Son las ocho y cincuenta y cinco.                 It is 8:55.

7,       Es mediodía.                                               It's noon.

8.       Es medianoche.                                            It's midnight.


Para empezar D  (el cuerpo)

1.       el cuerpo                                                     body

2.       la cabeza                                                      head

3.       el ojo                                                           eye

4.       la nariz                                                         nose

5.       la boca                                                        mouth

6.       el brazo                                                       arm

7.       la mano                                                        hand

8.       el dedo                                                        finger

9.       el estómago                                                 stomach

10.     la pierna                                                       leg

11.     el pie                                                           foot


Para empezar E

1.       la sala de clase                                             classroom

2.       el estudiante                                                 student (male)

3.       la estudiante                                                 student (female)

4.       el profesor                                                   teacher (male)

5.       la profesora                                                 teacher (female)

6.       ¿Qué quiere decir…?                                    What does …mean?

7.       Quiere decir…                                             It means…

8.       ¿Cómo se dice…en español?                        How do you say…in Spanish?

9.       Se dice…                                                    You say…

10.     el pupitre                                                     student desk

11.     el bolígrafo                                                  ball-point pen

12.     la carpeta                                                     folder

13.     el lápiz                                                         pencil

14.     el cuaderno                                                  notebook

15.     la hoja de papel                                            sheet of paper

16.     el libro                                                         book


Para empezar F

1.       el calendario                                                 calendar

2.       la fecha                                                        date

3.       el día                                                           day

4.       la semana                                                     week

5.       el mes                                                          month

6.       los meses del año                                         the months of the year

7.       ¿Qué día es hoy?                                         What day is today?

8.       ¿Cuántos días hay en…?                              How many days are in…?

9.       ¿Cuál es la fecha?                                         What is the date?

10.     Es el primero de agosto.                               It is August first.

11.     Es el dos de agosto.                                     It is August second.

12.     mañana                                                        tomorrow

13.     el día de fiesta                                              holiday


                   Los días:                                                     Los meses:

lunes       (Monday)        viernes    (Friday)      enero   mayo  septiembre     

martes      (Tuesday)       sábado    (Saturday)   febrero  junio   octubre

miércoles (Wednesday)   domingo (Sunday)     marzo    julio     noviembre

jueves       (Thursday)                                      abril      agosto  diciembre


Para empezar G

1.       el tiempo                                                      the weather

2.       ¿Qué tiempo hace?                                       What’s the weather like?

3.       Hace sol.                                                     It’s sunny.

4.       Hace calor.                                                  It’s hot.

5.       Hace frío.                                                    It’s cold.

6.       Hace viento.                                                 It’s windy.

7.       Llueve.                                                        It’s raining.

8.       Hace buen tiempo.                                       It’s nice weather.

9.       Hace mal tiempo.                                         It’s bad weather.

10.     Nieva.                                                          It’s snowing.

11.     las estaciones                                               the seasons

12.     la primavera                                                 spring

13.     el verano                                                      summer

14.     el otoño                                                       fall, autumn

15.     el invierno                                                    winter


Capítulo 1A  (Primera parte)

1.       bailar                                                           to dance

2.       escuchar música                                           to listen to music

3.       practicar deportes                                        to play sports

4.       nadar                                                           to swim

5.       correr                                                          to run

6.       esquiar                                                         to ski

7.       me gusta mucho                                           I like a lot

8.       a mí                                                             as for me

9.       también                                                        also

10.     ¿Qué te gusta hacer?                                    What do you like to do?

11.     ¿Te gusta…?                                               Do you like…?

12.                                                                     yes

13.     ¿Y a ti?                                                        And (as for) you?


Capítulo 1A  (Segunda parte)

1.       escribir cuentos                                            to write stories

2.       montar en monopatín                                   to skateboard

3.       ver la tele                                                     to  watch (see) TV

4.       usar la computadora                                     to use the computer

5.       montar en bicicleta                                       to ride a bicycle

6.       jugar videojuegos                                         to play video games

7.       hablar por teléfono                                       to talk on the telephone

8.       cantar                                                          to sing

9.       dibujar                                                         to draw

10.     pasar tiempo con amigos                              to spend time with friends

11.     patinar                                                         to skate

12.     tocar la guitarra                                            to play the guitar

13.     trabajar                                                        to work

14.     ir a la escuela                                               to go to school

15.     leer revistas                                                  to read magazines

16.     no me gusta nada                                         I don’t like at all

17.     a mí tampoco                                              me neither

18.     ¿Qué te gusta más?                                      What do you like more?

19.     o                                                                 or

20.     pues                                                            well

21.     ni…ni                                                          neither…nor


Capítulo 1 B  (Primera parte)

1.       ¿Cómo eres?                                                What are you like? (familiar)

2.       la chica                                                        girl

3.       una chica                                                     a girl

4.       el chico                                                         boy

5.       un chico                                                       a boy

6.       Es mi amigo / mi amiga.                                This, that, it is my friend. (male) (female)

7.       ¿Cómo se llama?                                          What’s his/her name?

8.       Se llama…                                                   His/ her name is…

9.       ¿Cómo es?                                                   What is he/she like?

10.     (él) (ella) es                                                  he/she is

11.     deportista                                                    sports-minded

12.     le gusta                                                        he/she likes

13.     pero                                                            but

14.     a veces                                                        sometimes

15.     impaciente                                                   impatient

16.     desordenado (a)                                           messy, disorganized

17.     bueno (a)_                                                   good

18.     muy                                                             very

19.     artístico (a)                                                  artistic

20.     ordenado (a)                                                          neat, organized

21.     inteligente                                                     intelligent


Capítulo 1 B  (Segunda parte)

22.     (yo) soy                                                       I am

23.     estudioso (a)                                                         studious

24.     trabajador (a)                                               hardworking

25.     gracioso (a)                                                 funny

26.     según                                                           according to

27.     mi familia                                                     my family

28.     perezoso (a)                                                 lazy

29.     atrevido (a)                                                  daring

30.     paciente                                                       patient

31.     reservado (a)                                                shy, reserved

32.     simpático (a)                                                nice, friendly

33.     talentoso (a)                                                 talented

34.     sociable                                                       sociable

35.     (Yo) no soy                                                 I am not

36.     serio (a)                                                       serious

************************************************************************                          Classroom Expressions

1.       Abran el libro en la página …                       Open your book to page …

2.       Cierren el libro.                                            Close the book.

3.       Levántense, por favor.                                  Stand up, please.

4.       Siéntense, por favor.                                    Sit down, please.

5.       Saquen una hoja de papel.                            Take out a sheet of paper.

6.       Entreguen las hojas.                                      Hand me the papers.

7.       Repitan, por favor.                                       Repeat, please.

8.       Escriban los números.                                  Write the numbers.

9.       ¿Cómo se dice…en español?                        How do you say…in Spanish?

10.     Se dice…                                                    It means…

11.     ¿Cómo se escribe…?                                   How do you write…?

12.     ¿Qué quiere decir…?                                   What does…mean?

13.     Quiere decir…                                             It means…



Capítulo 2A - I 

1.       en la primera hora                                         in the first hour (class period)

2.       (yo) tengo                                                    I have

3.       la clase                                                        class

4.       la clase de tecnología (f)                               technology, computer science

5.       primero (a)                                                   first

6.       segundo (a)                                                  second

7.       tercero (a)                                                    third

8.       cuarto (a)                                                     fourth

9.       quinto (a)                                                     fifth

10.     sexto (a)                                                      sixth

11.     séptimo (a)                                                  seventh

12.     octavo (a)                                                    eighth

13.     noveno (a)                                                   ninth

14.     décimo(a)                                                    tenth

15.     el arte                                                          art

16.     las ciencias sociales                                      social studies

17.     las ciencias naturales                                    science

18.     el almuerzo                                                  lunch

19.     el español                                                    Spanish

20.     las matemáticas                                            mathematics

21.     el inglés                                                       English

22.     la educación física                                       physical education

23.     interesante                                                    interesting

24.     práctico (a)                                                  practical

25.     divertido (a)                                                 fun

26.     fácil                                                             easy

27.     difícil                                                           difficult


Capítulo 2A - II

1.       el horario                                                     schedule

2.       en la primera hora                                         in the first hour (class period)

3.       (yo) tengo (tú tienes)                                    I have, you have

4.       la clase de tecnología (f)                               technology, computer science class

5.       favorito (a)                                                   favorite

6.       interesante                                                    interesting

7.       práctico (a)                                                  practical

8.       difícil / fácil                                                 difficult / easy

9.       primero (a)                                                   first

10.     segundo (a)                                                  second

11.     tercero (a)                                                    third

12.     cuarto (a)                                                     fourth

13.     quinto (a)                                                     fifth

14.     sexto (a)                                                      sixth

15.     séptimo (a)                                                  seventh

16.     octavo (a)                                                    eighth

17.     noveno (a)                                                   ninth

18.     décimo(a)                                                    tenth

19.     el arte                                                          art

20.     las ciencias sociales                                      social studies

21.     las ciencias naturales                                    science

22.     el almuerzo                                                  lunch

23.     el español                                                    Spanish

24.     las matemáticas                                            mathematics

25.     el inglés                                                       English

26.     la educación física                                       physical education

27.     mucho (a)  (mucha tarea)                              much, a lot of  ( a lot of homework)

28.     (yo) estudio                                                 I study

29.     más…que                                                    more…than

30.     para                                                             for

31.     (yo) necesito / (tú) necesitas + noun or infinitive               I need / you need …

32.     una calculadora                                            a calculator

33.     una carpeta de argollas                                 a three-ring binder

34.     un diccionario                                              a dictionary

35.     para mí                                                        (as) for me, in my opinion

36.     divertido (a)                                                 fun, amusing

37.     a ver                                                            let's see

38.     aburrido (a)                                                  boring

39.     ¿Quién enseña…?                                        Who teaches…? / Who is teaching…?


Capítulo 2B – I

1.       la bandera                                                    flag

2.       el reloj                                                         clock

3.       el cartel                                                        poster

4.       las ventanas                                                 windows

5.       la puerta                                                       door

6.       la computadora                                            computer

7.       el escritorio                                                  desk

8.       la papelera                                                   wastepaper basket

9.       el sacapuntas                                               pencil sharpener

10.     la silla                                                 chair

11.     la mesa                                                        table

12.     la pantalla                                                     (computer) screen

13.     el disquete                                                   diskette

14.     el teclado                                                     keyboard

15.     el ratón                                                        mouse


Capítulo 2B – II

1.       aquí                                                             here

2.       está                                                             is (location)

3.       mi                                                                my

4.       los, las                                                         the (masc./fem.)

5.       unos, unas                                                   some (masc./fem.)

6.       están                                                            are (location)

7.       en                                                                in, on

8.       hay                                                              there is, there are

9.       tu                                                                your

10.     encima de la / del                                         on top of

11.     debajo de la / del                                          underneath

12.     dentro de la / del                                          inside

13.     al lado de la / del                                          next to, beside

14.     delante de la / del                                          in front of

15.     detrás de la / del                                            behind

16.     de                                                                of

17.     ¿Qué es esto?                                              What is this?

18.     ¿Dónde?                                                      Where?

19.     es un (una)                                                   it is a

20.     allí                                                               there

21.     la mochila                                                    backpack


Capítulo 3A – I

1.       el supermercado                                           supermarket

2.       abierto (a)                                                    open

3.       las ofertas                                                    offers

4.       la comida                                                     food, meal

5.       en el desayuno                                             for breakfast

6.       comer                                                                   to eat

7.       con                                                              with

8.       todos los días                                              everyday

9.       beber                                                           to drink

10.     nunca                                                          never

11.     sin                                                               without

12.     me encanta                                                   I love + singular item or infinitive

13.     en el almuerzo                                              for lunch

14.     siempre                                                        always

15.     ¿verdad?                                                      right?  true?


Capítulo 3A – II

1.       comprender                                                 to understand

2.       ver (veo)                                                      to see

3.       por supuesto                                                         of course

4.       ¡Qué asco!                                                   How awful!

5.       me encantan                                                 I love + plural items

6.       compartir                                                     to share

7.       más o menos                                               more or less

8.       ¿Cuál?                                                         Which?  What?

9.       la ensalada                                                   salad


Capítulo 3A – III

1.       el tocino                                                      bacon

2.       la salchicha                                                  sausage

3.       el jamón                                                       ham

4.       el queso                                                       cheese

5.       el yogur de fresa                                          strawberry yogurt

6.       los huevos                                                   eggs

7.       el jugo de manzana                             apple juice

8.       el jugo de naranja                                         orange juice

9.       la limonada                                                  lemonade

10.     el té                                                             tea

11.     el pan                                                          bread

12.     la galleta                                                       cookie

13.     el cereal                                                       cereal

14.     el plátano                                                     banana, plantain

15.     la leche                                                        milk

16.     el agua                                                         water

17.     el pan tostado                                              toast

18.     la ensalada de frutas                                     fruit salad

19.     el sándwich                                                  sandwich

20.     la hamburguesa                                            hamburger

21.     el perrito caliente                                          hot dog

22.     las papas fritas                                             French fries

23.     la sopa de verduras                                                vegetable soup

24.     la pizza                                                        pizza

25.     el café                                                          coffee

26.     los refrescos                                                          soft drinks

27.     el té helado                                                  iced tea



Capítulo 3B – I

*   1.       deber                                                           should, must

*   2.       cada día                                                      every day

*   3.       para                                                             for, in order to

*   4.       mantener                                                      to maintain

*   5.       la salud                                                        health

*   6.       todos, as                                                     all

7.       las grasas                                                     fats

8.       la mantequilla                                               butter

9.       la carne                                                        meat

10.     el pollo                                                        chicken

11.     el bistec                                                       beefsteak

12.     el pescado                                                   fish

13.     el helado                                                      ice cream

14.     las verduras                                                 vegetables

15.     la cebolla                                                     onion

16.     los guisantes                                                          peas

17.     las papas                                                     potatoes

18.     las frutas                                                      fruit

19.     las uvas                                                       grapes

20,     los cereales                                                  grains

21.     los espaguetis                                              spaghetti

22.     el arroz                                                        rice

23.     la lechuga                                                     lettuce

24.     los tomates                                                  tomatoes

25.     las zanahorias                                               carrots

26.     las judías verdes                                          green beans

*   27.     muchos, muchas                                          many

*   28.     Son horribles                                               They are horrible.

29.     los pasteles                                                  pastries


Capítulo 3B – II

1.       caminar                                              to walk

2.       levantar pesas                                     to lift weights

3.       (tú) haces                                           (you) do

4.       (yo) hago                                           (I) do

5.       hacer ejercicio                                    to exercise (to do exercise)

6.       Tengo hambre.                                   I’m hungry.

7.       ¿Por qué?                                           Why?

8.       algo                                                   something

9.       sabroso (a)                                         tasty

10.     Tengo sed.                                         I’m thirsty.

11.     (tú) prefieres                                       (you) prefer

12.     (yo) prefiero                                       (I) prefer

13.     malo (a)                                             bad

14.     una bebida                                         a beverage

15.     (No) estoy de acuerdo.                       I (don’t) agree.

16.     porque                                               because

17.     creer                                                  to think, to believe

18.     Creo que sí (no)                                 I (don’t) believe so.

19.     Creo que                                            I believe that

20.     la cena                                               dinner


Realidades - 8

*For practice with all grammar and vocabulary, go to and put in the correct code from the textbook.

                        Capítulo 4A – I

1.       el gimnasio                                                            gym

2.       el parque                                                               park

3.       el centro comercial                                                 mall

4.       ir de compras                                                        to go shopping

5.       el trabajo                                                               work, job

6.       la lección de piano                                                 piano lesson

7.       el cine                                                                   movie theater

8.       ver una película                                                     to see a movie

9.       la biblioteca                                                           library

10.     la piscina                                                               swimming pool

11.     el tiempo libre                                                        free time

12.     después (de)                                                          after

13.     voy al, a la, a los, a las                                           I go to the

14.     para + infinitivo                                                     in order to + infinitive

15.     ¿con quién?                                                           with whom?

16.     después                                                                 afterwards

17.     vamos                                                                   we go

18.     el café                                                                   café

19.     la playa                                                                  beach

20.     el restaurante                                                         restaurant

21.     el campo                                                               countryside

22.     las montañas                                                          mountains

23.     los domingos                                                         on Sundays

24.     con mis amigos                                                     with my friends

25.     generalmente                                                          generally

26.     la tienda                                                                 store


                                                   ir - to go

                                        voy                  vamos

                                        vas                   vais

                                        va                     van


                            Capítulo 4A – II


1.       la iglesia                                                                church

2.       la mezquita                                                            mosque

3.       la sinagoga                                                            synagogue

4.       el templo                                                               temple, Protestant church

5.       solo (a)                                                                 alone

6.       ¿De dónde eres?                                                    Where are you from?

7.       de                                                                         from, of

8.       con tus amigos                                                      with your friends

9.       a casa                                                                    (to) home

6.       la casa                                                                   home, house

7.       ¿adónde?                                                               (to) where?

8.       los fines de semana                                                on week-ends

9.       Me quedo                                                              I stay

10.     en casa.                                                                 at home.

11.     ¡No me digas!                                                        You don’t say!

12.     ¿cuándo?                                                               when?



                                Capítulo 4B – I


1.       puedes + infinitivo                                        you (informal,s.) can + infinitive

2.       juegas                                                          you (informal,s.) play

3.       jugar al fútbol                                               to play soccer

4.       jugar al vóleibol                                            to play volleyball

5.       jugar al golf                                                  to play golf

6.       jugar al tenis                                                 to play tennis

7.       jugar al béisbol                                             to play baseball

8.       jugar al básquetbol                                       to play basketball

9.       jugar al fútbol americano                               to play football

10.     ¿Qué quieres hacer?                            What do you (informal,s.) want to do?

11.     a las ocho de la mañana                                at 8 AM

12.     a las ocho y diez de la mañana                      at 8:10 AM

13.     a las ocho y cuarto de la mañana                   at 8:15 AM

14.     a las ocho y media de la mañana                   at 8:30 AM

15.     (no) quiero + infinitivo                                  I (don’t) want to + infiniive

16.     juego muy mal                                              I play very badly

17.     ¿Qué te gustaría hacer?                       What would you (informal,s.) like to do?

18.     esta tarde                                                     this afternoon

19.     me gustaría + infinitivo                                 I would like to + infinitive

20.     el concierto                                                  concert

21.     la fiesta                                                        party

22.     el baile                                                         dance

23.     el partido                                                     game

24.     conmigo                                                      with me

25.     este fin de semana                                        this week-end


                            Capítulo 4B – II

1.       lo siento                                                       I’m sorry

2.       puedo + infinitivo                                         I can + infinitive

3.       demasiado                                                   too, too much

4.       ocupado (a)                                                 busy, occupied

5.       tengo que + infinitivo                                    I have to + infinitive

6.       esta noche                                                   tonight

7.       al mediodía                                                  at noon (12 PM)

8.       a la una menos cuarto de la tarde                   at 12:45 PM

9.       a la una menos diez de la tarde                      at 12:50 PM

10.     a la una de la tarde                                        at 1 PM

11.     voy a estar                                                   I’m going to be

12.     cansado (a)                                                  tired

13.     ¡Ay! ¡Qué pena!                                           Oh!  What a shame / pity!

14.     triste                                                            sad

15.     contigo                                                        with you

16.     un poco                                                       a little

17.     enfermo (a)                                                  sick

18.     ¡Qué buena idea!                                          What a good idea!

19.     contento (a)                                                 happy

20.     ¿A qué hora?                                               At what time?

21.     entonces                                                      then

22.     ir de camping                                               to go camping

23.     ir de pesca                                                   to go fishing

24.     ¡Oye!                                                           Hey!

25.     sabes + infinitivo                              you (informal,s.) know how to + infinitive

26.     ¡Genial!                                                        Great!

27.     a las nueve de la noche                                 at 9 PM

28.     a la medianoche                                           at midnignt (12:00 AM)

29.     yo (no) sé + infinitivo                                   I (don’t) know how to + infinitive



                                                            Capítulo 5A-I

1.       el abuelo, la abuela                                                   grandfather, grandmother       

2.       los abuelos                                                            grandparents

3.       el padre (papa)                                                       father (dad)

4.       la madre (mama)                                                    mother (mom)

5.       los padres                                                             parents

6.       el padrastro, la madrastra                                       stepfather, stepmother              

7.       el hermano, la hermana                                           brother, sister

8.       los hermanos                                                         brothers, brothers and sisters

9.       el hermanastro, la hermanastra                                stepbrother, stepsister

10.     el tío, la tía                                                            uncle, aunt

11.     los tíos                                                                  uncles, aunts and uncles

12.     el primo, la prima                                                   cousin (m., f.)

13.     los primos                                                             cousins (m., m. and f.)

14.     el perro                                                                 dog

15.     el gato                                                                   cat

16.     el cumpleaños                                                        birthday      

17.     preparar                                                                to prepare

18.     celebrar                                                                 to celebrate

19.     mayor, mayores                                                     older

20.     que tiene(n) 16 años                                               who is (are) 16 years old

21.     su(s)                                                                     his, her, your (formal,pl.), their

22.     menor, menores                                                    younger

23.     sólo                                                                      only

24.     la persona                                                              person

25.     las personas                                                          people

26.     la(s) foto(s)                                                           photo(s)

27.     el esposo, la esposa                                               husband, wife

28.     el hijo, la hija                                                          son, daughter

29.     los hijos                                                                sons, sons and daughters

30.     el hijo único, la hija única                                      only child (m., f.)


                             Capítulo 5A-II                                

1.       el regalo                                             gift, present

2.       la cámara                                            camera

3.       le encanta                                           he, she, you (formal, s.) love(s)

4.       sacar fotos                                         to take pictures

5.       la luz, las luces                                   light, lights

6.       la piñata                                                piñata       

7.       el globo, los globos                              balloon, balloons

8.       el papel picado                                     cut paper

9.       la flor, las flores                                   flower, flowers        

10.     el pastel                                              cake

11.     los dulces                                           candies, sweets

12.     hacer un video                                    to make a video

13.     ¿Cuántos años tiene(n)?                      How old is/are_____ ?

14.     Tiene(n) _____ años.                         He/she is or they are_____years old

15.     las decoraciones                                 decorations

16.     decorar                                              to decorate

17.     ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!                             Happy Birthday!

18.     abrir                                                   to open

19.     romper                                               to break

20.     tener (e→ie stem change)          to have

21.     tengo                                                  I have

22.     tienes                                                  you (tú) have


                                       Possessive Adjectives chart:

                                  mi(s) =  my                               nuestro/nuestros = our 

                                                                            nuestra/nuestras = our 


                            tu(s) =   your (informal)             vuestro/vuestros = your (informal)

                                                                             vuestra/vuestras  = your (informal)


                           su(s) = his, her, your (formal)     su(s)   =  their, your (formal) 



                                Capítulo 5B-I


1. el hombre                                                          man

2. la mujer                                                             woman

3. alto (a)                                                              tall

4. bajo (a)                                                             short

5. el pelo rubio                                                      blonde hair

6. el pelo corto                                                     short hair

7. el pelo negro                                                    black hair

8. el pelo largo                                                     long hair

9. pelirrojo (a)                                                     red-haired male

10. el pelo castaño                                               brown hair

11. viejo (a)                                                         old

12. joven                                                             young

13. el pelo canoso                                              gray hair

14. guapo (a)                                                     good-looking

15. el joven                                                         young man

16. la joven                                                         young woman

17. los jovenes                                                    youth

18. el menú                                                         menu

19. la cuenta                                                       bill, check

20. el camarero                                                  waiter

21. la camarera                                                  waitress

22. el azúcar                                                     sugar

23. el tenedor                                                    fork

24. la cuchara                                                   spoon

25. el cuchillo                                                   knife

26. la servilleta                                                  napkin

27. el vaso                                                        glass

28. el plato                                                        plate

29. la sal                                                          salt

30. la pimienta                                                  pepper

31. la taza                                                        cup

32. venir (vengo, vienes)                                  to come


The tall men with brown hair and the short young red-haired women are coming.

Los hombres altos con el pelo castaño y las jovenes bajas pelirrojas vienen.



            Capítulo 5B-II


1.   el plato principal                                  main dish

2.   de plato principal                                 as a main dish

3.   el postre                                                dessert

4.   de postre                                               as dessert

5.   rico, a                                                    rich, tasty

6.   Me falta/faltan…                                  I need (sing./pl.)…

7.   quisiera…                                             I would like…

8.   traer                                                       to bring

9.   Le traigo…                                            I will bring him/her or you (Ud.)

10. ¿Me trae…?                                           Will you bring me…?

11. Yo traigo                                                I bring                                              

12. ahora                                                      now

13. delicioso, a                                             delicious

14. desear                                                   to want, wish

15. ¿Algo más?                                          Anything else?

16. De nada.                                                You’re welcome.

17. otro, a                                                   other, another

18. ¡Qué + adjective                                    How + adjective

19. ¡Qué rico!                                             How tasty! How rich!

20. tener calor                                             to be warm

21. tener frío                                              to be cold 

22. tener sueño                                           to be sleepy

23. pedir (pido, pides))                               to order



                                 Capítulo 6A-I 


1.       el dormitorio                                                bedroom

2.       el espejo                                                      mirror

3.       la cómoda                                                    dresser

4.       el cuadro                                                     painting

5.       la lámpara                                                     lamp

6.       el armario                                                     closet

7.       las cortinas                                                   curtains

8.       la ventana                                                     window

9.       la pared                                                       wall

10.     la alfombra                                                   rug

11.     la cama                                                        bed

12.     el despertador                                              alarm clock

13.     la mesita                                                      night table

14.     pequeño, a                                                   small

15.     propio, a                                                      own (my own room)

16.     el estante                                                      shelf, bookshelf

17.     el disco compacto                                        CD

18.     el video                                                        video

19.     el equipo de sonido                                      sound system

20.     la videocasetera                                            video player

21.     el lector DVD                                               DVD player

22.     el televisor                                                   T.V.

23.     los colores                                                   colors

24.     ¿De qué color es (son)…?                            What color is (are)…?

25.     negro,a                                                        black

26.     amarillo , a                                                    yellow

27.     anaranjado,a                                                 orange

28.     azul                                                             blue

29.     blanco,a                                                       white

30.     gris                                                              gray

31.     marrón                                                         brown

32.     rosado,a                                                      pink  

33.     morado,a                                                     purple

34.     rojo,a                                                           red

35.     verde                                                           green 



                            Capítulo 6A-II 

1.       bonito,a                                                       pretty (masc/fem. adj.)

2.       feo,a                                                            ugly (masc./fem. adj.)

3.       grande                                                         large

4.       importante                                                   important

5.       mismo,a                                                       same (masc/fem. adj.)

6.       a la derecha (de)                                           to the right (of)

7.       a la izquierda (de)                                         to the left (of)

8.       mejor (mejores) de                                        better than (pl.)

9.       mejor                                                           the best (sing.)

10.     los/las mejores                                             the best (plural)

11.     menos…que                                                 less, fewer… than

12.     peor (peores) que                                         worse than

13.     peor                                                            the worst

14.     peores                                                         the worst (plural)

15.     la cosa                                                         thing

16.     para mí                                                        in my opinion, for me

17.     para ti                                                          in your opinion, for you

18.     la posesión                                                  possession

19.     dormir (o®ue)                                             to sleep

20.     poder (o®ue)                                              to be able to, can  



                                    Capítulo 6B-I


1.       el apartamento                                              apartment

2.       el despacho                                                 home office

3.       el garaje                                                       garage

4.       el baño                                                        bathroom

5.       el comedor                                                  dining room

6.       el sótano                                                      basement

7.       la cocina                                                      kitchen

8.       la sala                                                           living room

9.       la escalera                                                    stairs, stairway

10.     el piso                                                         floor

11.     la planta baja                                                ground floor

12.     el primer piso                                               second floor

13.     el segundo piso                                            third floor

14.     el cuarto                                                      room

15.     cerca (de)                                                    close (to), near

16.     lejos (de)                                                     far (from)

17.     los quehaceres                                             chores

18.     arreglar el cuarto                                          straighten the room

19.     cocinar                                                        to cook

20.     cortar el césped                                           to cut the grass

21.     dar de comer al perro                                   to feed the dog

22.     lavar (el coche, los platos, la ropa)                wash (the car, dishes, clothes)

23.     limpiar el baño                                             clean the bathroom

24.     pasar la aspiradora                                        to vacuum

25.     poner la mesa                                                to set the table

26.     quitar el polvo                                              to dust

27.     sacar la basura                                             to take out the trash




                               Capítulo 6B-II


1.       vivir                                                             to live

2.       poner (yo pongo)                                         to put, to place

3.       ayudar                                                         to help

4.       dar (yo doy)                                                to give

5.       hacer (yo hago)                                            to make, to do

6.       recibir                                                          to  receive

7.       el dinero                                                      money

8.       si                                                                 if

9.       ¿Cuál, Cuáles?                                             Which one(s)?

10.     ¡Pon!                                                           Put! Place!

11.     ¡Haz!                                                           Make! Do!

12,     un momento                                                 a (one) moment

13.     limpio (a)                                                     clean

14.     sucio (a)                                                      dirty

15.     bastante                                                       enough, rather

16.     ¿Qué estás haciendo?                                   What are you doing?

17.     ¿Qué estás lavando?                                     What are you washing?

18.     ¿Qué estás comiendo?                                  What are you eating?

19.     ¿Qué estás escribiendo?                               What are you writing? 

Remember:  The present progressive tense in # 16 – 19 differs from the present tense in that it describes an action that is taking place right now.

                    ¿Qué estás lavando? – What are you (in the process of) washing?

                    Yo estoy lavando los platos. – I’m washing the dishes.



                                        Capítulo 7A-I  


1.   buscar                                                             to look for

2.   comprar                                                          to buy

3.   el dependiente, la dependienta                         salesperson

4.   el (la) cliente                                                   customer

5.   ¿En qué puedo servirle?                                  How can I help you?

6.   el abrigo                                                         coat

7.   la chaqueta                                                     jacket

8.   la blusa                                                          blouse

9.   las botas                                                        boots

10. los calcetines                                                  socks

11. la camisa                                                        dress shirt

12. la corbata                                                       tie

13. la camiseta                                                     T-shirt

14. la falda                                                           skirt

15. la gorra                                                          cap

16. los jeans                                                         jeans

17. los pantalones                                                pants

18. los pantalones cortos                                     shorts

19. la sudadera                                                    sweatshirt

20. el suéter                                                         sweater

21. el traje                                                           suit

22. el traje de baño                                              bathing suit

23. el vestido                                                      dress

24. los zapatos                                                   shoes

25. la bufanda                                                    scarf

26. llevar                                                            to wear

27. nuevo(a)                                                       new

28. preferir                                                         to prefer  


                                Capítulo 7A-II

1.   pensar                                                      to think

2.   ese,esa                                                       that

3.   esos, esas                                                  those

4.   entrar                                                         to enter (into)

5.   la tienda                                                     store

6.   Me queda/n bien/mal.                                 It fits/They fit   me well/badly.

7.   Te queda/n bien/mal.                                  It fits/They fit   you well/badly.

8.   tienes razón                                                you are correct (right)

9.   ¿Cómo me queda/n?                                  How does it/do they fit me?

10.  ¿Cómo te queda/n?                                   How does it/do they fit?

11.  Me queda/n bien.                                      It fits/they fit   me well.

12.  Te queda/n bien.                                       It fits/they fit   me well.

13.  ¿Cuanto questa/n?                                     How much does it/do they  cost?

14.  costar                                                        to cost

15.  un buen precio                                           a good price

16.  doscientos*                                               200

17.  quinientos                                                  500

18.  setecientos                                                 700

19.  novecientos                                                900

20.  mil                                                             1,000

21.  este,esta                                                     this

22.  estos, estas                                                 these

23.  quizás                                                         maybe, perhaps

24.  ¡Vamos!                                                     Let’s go!

25.  querer (quiero)                                            to want, to love

26.  perdón                                                        Excuse (pardon) me.

27.  tanto                                                           so much

28.  los dos/las dos                                            both       


* 300,400,600,800 are done like 200 – no spelling changes.


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